...of their Members
Following an extensive needs assessment, which identified several opportunities for improvement related to their core processing environment, Pittsford Federal Credit Union ($516.7 million assets; 20,918 members; Pittsford, NY) selected the Corelation KeyStone solution to enhance their member service capabilities.
“The core assessment team embraced the advanced technical capabilities of KeyStone represented in the user interface, modern programming approach, flexible structure, teller device support, single yet robust third-party interface, and extensive list of leading vendors that interface with KeyStone in addition to the active user community,” shared Dan Lazzaro, Information Systems Manager of Pittsford Federal Credit Union.
Corelation's culture and reputation also played a significant role in Pittsford FCU's decision-making process as they were selecting a new core processor.
“Our executive team placed a high value on Corelation's cultural fit, credit union focus, reputation and market appreciation, as well as the personable and 'down to earth' nature of the Corelation team,” said Lazzaro. “Credit Union team members are looking forward to working with the Corelatives and leveraging the functionality of the KeyStone system to streamline business processes, further enriching our efficient, world-class service to our membership.”
Members of the Pittsford Federal Credit Union team are eager to collaborate with their Corelation counterparts and utilize the KeyStone system's features to enhance their business operations.
Pittsford Federal Credit Union is scheduled to convert in November 2025. Adopting KeyStone will pave the way for greater integration with existing and new third-party vendors and will elevate their capacity to provide superior member service.
“KeyStone is specifically crafted to provide our credit union partners with the flexibility and autonomy to select vendors that most closely align with their strategic objectives,” noted Corelation President Rob Landis. "Much like Pittsford Federal Credit Union's unwavering dedication to their members' financial success, Corelation is equally devoted to delivering top-tier core processing to sustain their long-term growth. Welcome, Pittsford FCU!"