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CUbroadcast on Finopotamus

Writer's picture: John San FilippoJohn San Filippo

CU Build 'Build-A-Thon' Competition Creating Frictionless Fintech Solutions for CUs

American Airlines Credit Union Manager of Application Development Brad Hickey and CUTEK Vice President of Projects and Consulting Adele Glenn joined host Mike Lawson to share the news that their CU Build "build-a-thon" to create the next best, frictionless technology solutions for credit unions is underway.

Credit union technology teams (8 of them) have commenced programming, developing, and creating super cool, new technologies that address and remedy real issues credit unions are experiencing today. These soon-to-be award-winning solutions are built by credit unions for credit unions.

According to Adele and Brad, the mission here is to spark innovation, cultivate learning, and foster development in the credit union system. CU Build provides a stage where credit union professionals can participate in building solutions for the credit union industry in a cooperative, innovative, exciting, and competitive environment. And we all know how competition brings out the best in us -- especially watching the Olympics the last couple of weeks. Same goes for technology build-a-thons.

Winners will be announced on Presentation Day (a virtual event) -- August 28. So stay tuned and go to for more details and how to participate in 2022!

(video courtesy of CUbroadcast)

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